Verion is a company that has more than 28 years of experience, was born with the aim of providing comprehensive solutions in the field of Oleohydraulics.
Since its inception has been in constant growth, gaining prestige through its hard work and commitment to its customers in the areas of Mechanics, Electronics and Hydraulics developing sales of products, services, systems and engineering solutions for manufacturers, resellers and users final.
Since the year 2000, he began the development of solutions and equipment for precision agriculture and the insertion of this technology in the Latin American market.
Seeking to satisfy the increasingly demanding needs that the agricultural sector requires, it develops solutions based on three pillars: IMPLEMENTS - CONTROL AND QUALITY OF THE APPLICATION - AGRICULTURAL MANAGEMENT, thus guaranteeing a total integration in all the activities of the agricultural cycle.
Its presence in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Paraguay and soon Peru guarantees its presence in agricultural countries in Latin America.
25.000 Items in stock
Of its sales
made to manufacturers
Vcom sold in South America
for precision agriculture
Factories unite their energies
to continue our success
Be recognized as a leading company in the sector.
Market and develop first level solutions for our clients.
Verion was born in Argentina to offer integral solutions to the Oleohydraulic sector,
with products and services for various segments such as industry,
construction, oil, aeronautics, agriculture, mining, naval, offshore. -
Developed the first equipment for crops,
where through an electrohydraulic mechanism the transmission relations
(gears and chains) of the seed drills are replaced. -
The headquarters of Guarulhos - Brazil opens its doors,
today with 77 employees. -
Implementation of the GPS guidance system / light bar, for various applications, cutting by sections in sprayers.
"Gerdau Melhor da Terra" Award to VRM in Brazil.
The first computer capable of executing multiple functions is launched.
"Gerdau Melhor da Terra" Prize awarded by satisfied customers
who approve the product category in Brazil. -
The industrial plant starts operating with 3.000m² to produce export-type agricultural machines, developed according to each type of crop.
VCOM 7.0 is launched with new features capable of meeting the needs of our customers.
The headquarters in Bogotá - Colombia opens its doors to serve the closest customers.
The prize "Innovation in Agricultural Machinery" is awarded in Argentina.
The management control "Tractorimeter" is launched.
Develops the receiver and integrated antenna LCGPS up to 30cm of precision ideal for spraying, broadcast fertilization, harvesting and soil preparation with manual guidance.
Launches its own line of fertilizers in Argentina.
First name | country | Address | Phone | |
Sede no Brasil | Brasil | Rua Pedro de Toledo, 175 - Jardim São Geraldo - Guarulhos / SP | - | - (55) 11 2100-7400 |
Sede Argentina | Argentina | Calle 89, Intendente A. Campos 1617/23, General San Martín, Buenos Aires. | - | (54) 11 4724-1300 |
Sede Colombia | Colombia | Transversal 93 # 53-32 Bodega 17, Parque Empresarial El Dorado, Bogotá DC. | - | - |
First name | country | Address | Phone |

Soluciones Integrales
VERION cuenta con un importante plantel de técnicos propios para dar asistencia a los servicios de entrega y posventa en varios países garantizando así partes originales y una rápida respuesta.
También nuestros distribuidores autorizados cubren las necesidades brindando asistencia a nuestros clientes. Consúltenos por su distribuidor más cercano.
Find out about the latest news

Electric automatic pilot for sowing
Compatible with all of our applications for planting, fertilizing, spraying and all accuracy levels according to the customer’s requirements.
Vcom as steering controller. Features:
El sistema está preparado para instalarse en cualquier tipo de maquinaria y puede ser utilizado en todas las operaciones agrícolas. El actuador eléctrico se instala debajo del volante, posee un sistema de montaje rápido para poder retirarlo fácilmente cuando no se utiliza; se puede utilizar en tractores, pulverizadores autopropulsados y cosechadoras.
Durante la operación, el sistema de guiado funciona generando las líneas guía para los modos tradicionales, AB recto, AB curvo y curva libre.
Además, líneas de guiado prediseñadas en la oficina con un computador de escritorio pueden ser llevadas al Vcom para luego utilizarlas con el sistema de guiado y piloto automático.
The system is designed to easily install in a variety of vehicle types and can be used in all agricultural operations.
The electric actuator is installed under the steering wheel, and boasts a fast mounting system for quick removal when not in use; it can be used in tractors, self-propelled sprayers and harvesters.
During the operation, the assisted steering system generates guidance lines; popular guidance paths available with straight AB, ABcurve and adaptive curve. Likewise, guidance paths pre designed with the office desktop computer can be saved and loaded to the Vcom for later use as a custom guidance pattern with the guidance and automated steering system.
The main advantage of the electric control system is its fast and easy installation, with minimal intervention on the original vehicle components; that is to say, the actuator moves the steering wheel in the same way as the operator to guide the machine along the guidance line with high-end accuracy.
If you have any questions or wish to receive more information, we can advise you, write to or call (54) 11 4724-1300

Lightbar and virtual Guidance
One of the most important aspects of precision farming is to ensure application quality, thus minimizing overlaps and flaws. That is why the guidance system becomes an essential tool. The operator is guided by means of a highly accurate GPS to ensure precise manual work.
The 7.0 Guidance toolkit- LC offers the operator straight spraying and fertilizing applications pass-to-pass. This easy-to-use practical virtual guide displays a slope in perspective view for the operator to steer in and keep the right path, thus avoiding flaws and allowing for full coverage of the applied area. The device also generates real-time mapping to give operators a clear view of the applied area and simplify return to the same working point in the field after product refilling. The sections in the implement can be established for the system to screen display which of them are over applying product and allow the operator to shut them off manually.
If you have any questions or wish to receive more information, we can advise you, write to or call (54) 11 4724-1300